BHOPAL - my birthplace, which makes me fall in love with the city everytime i visit .The natural beauty of the city is incomparable to any other city .The city famous for its greenery and lakes attracts people by sparkling more in rainy season.
Wet roads,trees all around with droplets on them sparkling in light,smell of mud ,freshness of flowers ,waves creating a pleasant sound in lakes ,cool breeze that touches you and give you a feel of himalayas...the only difference is you cannot see snowy mountains. :)
For nature lovers....bhopal can be one destination to experience nature's creation....The city if free from all those elements of the metro's. The city of lakes and the city of navab's is well known for its royalness.
But there's always a different side of beauty .....which acts like add-on's to complete what bhopal is :) or may be a serious one required improvements.
1. A typical bhopali language with a tone like ( "madam kidhar ja riye ho" and " miya sun to reya hu ") heard only from old city guys or the rikshaw drivers is always super fun and exciting :) ...certainly a add-on and made bhopal famous for this type of typical language .
2.stupendous roads of few area which seems to be- lake during rains makes you feel like boating in your own vehicle :)
3.Uneven roads gives you a free roller coaster ride :),
4. roads even show mirage of being smooth but when you drive, you can actualy understand that mirage is not just seen in summers it can be artificaly constructed too for fooling people :P
apart from these there are lot many things which are common to every city.....but still the beauty and naturality of the city remains un-affected.